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Sex Chat for Christian Wives

Nov 24, 2020

Bonny, Chris, Gaye, and J have a list of gifts that can help you learn, love, and laugh in your marriage!


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From the Bible

What does God have to say about gift-giving?

A gift opens the way and ushers the...

Nov 10, 2020

About this episode

Thanks for joining us at Sex Chat for Christian Wives. Today we’re going to talk about something that affects more than 264 million people around the world–depression.

  1. People sometimes hear the word “depression” and think it just means that someone is sad a lot or that they are weak. So...

Oct 27, 2020

We answer listener questions, specifically:

  • Could you talk about the tilted uterus? I was told I have one and would like to know more about it.
  • My husband is currently taking classes and working long days. He practically comes home to sleep and then leaves for school and work the next day. This has made it a lot harder...

Oct 13, 2020

About this episode

Today, we have special guest Ngina Otiende of Intentional Today, and we're talking about...

  • Our most vivid memories of our weddings or first few months of marriage.
  • When did reality set in that marriage might take more work than you initially thought?
  • Now, bringing the conversation back to our...

Sep 29, 2020

We are so privileged today to have Shaunti Feldhahn—social researcher, bestselling author, and popular speaker—pulling up a chair at our virtual kitchen table.


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